GREEK MYTHOLOGY Chessmen XL – Gold/Silver

Original price was: €290.00.Current price is: €270.00.

Height of the King 10.5cm 4.13 in
Weight of set 4.6 Kg 10.14 lb

The Chessmen

Greek sculptors loved to recreate this divine conflict through their art. The King is a replica of the famous statue “Poseidon of Melos” (2nd cent. B.C.), and the Queen represents the glorious “Athena Promachos” (450 B.C., Acropolis Museum). A bronze Hellenistic statue has inspired the Bishop and the Knight is a part of the marble facade of Parthenon sculptured by Pheidias. The castle is a reproduction of one of the most admirable Attic stele devoted to young Aristion who died in battle. Finally, the Pawn is a bronze statue of a fully armed warrior in 500 B.C.

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